Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Fabry-Pérot Microcavities: Exploring Novel Optical Phenomena for Quantum Information

Prof. Tzu Ling Chen-Dept. of Photonics, NYCU

Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Fabry-Pérot Microcavities: Exploring Novel Optical Phenomena for Quantum Information

Prof. Tzu Ling Chen-Dept. of Photonics, NYCU

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R36169, 1F, Dept. of Physics, Building of Science College, NCKU


Quantum Information Science


Prof. Tzu Ling Chen - Dept. of Photonics, NYCU


Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Fabry-Pérot Microcavities: Exploring Novel Optical Phenomena for Quantum Information


In this talk, we will explore the concept of chiral symmetry breaking in planar Fabry–Pérot microcavities and its potential applications. By utilizing organic thin films exhibiting "apparent circular dichroism" (ACD), we can break the symmetry between left-handed and right-handed chiral optical modes without the need for specialized Faraday mirrors. This novel approach allows for significant enhancements in chiral anisotropies within the cavity modes, enabling a range of chiral light-matter phenomena. We will discuss experimental techniques such as circular dichroism spectroscopy and theoretical simulations to characterize the spatial, spectral, and angular chiroptical responses of these microcavities. Join us to discover the fascinating world of chiral optics and its relevance in the field of quantum information.