Studying condensed matter models using semiconductor quantum dot arrays: exciton transport and spin waves

Prof. Tzu-Kan Hsiao - Dept. of Physics, NTHU

Studying condensed matter models using semiconductor quantum dot arrays: exciton transport and spin waves

Prof. Tzu-Kan Hsiao - Dept. of Physics, NTHU

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R36173, 1F, Dept. of Physics, Building of Science College, NCKU


Quantum Information Science


Prof. Tzu-Kan Hsiao - Dept. of Physics, NTHU


Studying condensed matter models using semiconductor quantum dot arrays: exciton transport and spin waves


Electrostatically-defined semiconductor quantum dot arrays offer a promising platform for quantum simulation. In this talk I will first give a brief introduction to semiconductor quantum dot arrays. I will then show the full control of dot energies and inter-dot tunnel couplings in a Ge 4X2 quantum dot array, which sets the state-of-the-art in the community. We tune the array into capacitively-coupled channels and demonstrate exciton formation and transport. Furthermore, I will discuss a proposal for realizing quantized spin waves (magnons). We will describe practical methods for preparing and probing the quantized spin wave modes in accessible quantum dot simulators. Finally, we will report our progress in device fabrication and measurement setup for this project.