Quantum Channel Marginal Problem

謝忠耘博士生 - 西班牙光子科學研究所

Quantum Channel Marginal Problem

謝忠耘博士生 - 西班牙光子科學研究所

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日期 2021-03-15

時間 12:10-13:10

地點 理學教學大樓物理系1F 36169會議室

領域 Quantum Information Science

講者 Mr. Chung-Yun Hsieh(謝忠耘) - The Institute of Photonic Sciences(ICFO), Spain

題目 Quantum Channel Marginal Problem

摘要 Given a set of local dynamics, are they compatible with a global dynamics? We systematically formulate these questions as quantum channel marginal problems, which can be understood as a dynamical generalization of the marginal problems for quantum states. After defining the notion of compatibility between global and local dynamics, we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for it, showing that it takes the form of a semidefinite program. Using this formulation, we construct channel incompatibility witnesses and show that a set of local channels are incompatible if and only if they demonstrate an advantage in a state-discrimination task.
Link: https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.10926